Hi, my name is Sergio, and I'm a web developer from a remote web development program. Currently looking for opportunities, to prove my skills and develop my potential.
TimeLogger was my final project in the curriculum. Its fed by an API made in Ruby on Rails. I took the chance to use libraries like lodash and react-router.
JavascriptRubynpmReactReduxRuby on RailsHerokuNetlify
A social platform based on Facebook, built with Ruby on Rails. Remember to confirm your email!
RubyRuby on RailsPair ProgrammingHeroku
Bookstore CMS
In this project, I had the chance to learn Redux for the first time. Also, the UI is based on a given design.
A calculator built using React components.
A browser-based battleship game built with Javascript, applying it's best practices.
JavascriptWebpackPair Programming
Tic Tac Toe
A browser-based tic-tac-toe game.
JavascriptWebpackPair Programming
Newsweek Design
A project based on the official Newsweek layout design and built using Bootstrap.